Ventilation in battery room

To see the need of ventilation in a battery room, you can use the following formula:
Q=0,017xlxnxz, where
Q=required air flow, i/s
l=charging current, A
n=number of cells in serie
z=gas specifying factor,
1,0 for ventilated batteries
0,5 for ventilated batteries with (flame barrier) catalyst valves
0,2 for valve regulated batteries
The factor 0,017 is counted on maximal produced hydrogen (0,46 l/cell and
supplied ampere hour), dilution factor 26 and secure factor 5.
Charging current l added to 0,5 times the chargers rated current.
Immediately over a battery (within 1 dm) you can count on an explosive mix of hydrogen and air despite the demands of ventilation is met.