
Battery testing

batteriprovning1  batterimatning-m-dator  dsc_3774

We start to measure all the battery blocks with instruments that measuring the conductance in the battery, to get the batteries capacity. Based on this result, we then charge battery with your existing load. This way, we don´t risk your load during the test.

Testing batteries the conventional way, by discharge the battery for a 3, 5 or 10 hours period, is not only difficult to make but also a risk to get an power lost or brake under the test. When these tests have a long performance time, they are also very expensive. If there is one bad battery that must be changed, the test has to be done again afterwards to make sure that the rest of the batteries are good.

Since the user is aware of the costs, the batteries may not be tested in time and that can result in a breakdown or that some functions don’t work, like disconnect high voltage switchboard at 10 KV or a lost process control.
We have noticed this and now we can make these tests of the batteries without any influence of the running.
With a well developed instrument that measures the conductance in the battery, we can settle the batteries remaining capacity.

With our long experience of testing batteries with different methods, like Batscan or discharge with constant power with Torkel load, we can show the advantages with the conductance method witch gives a more detailed result that is easier to read when we hand over the protocol after the test.

-the test does not influence customers load
-low cost for the test
-easy to read out the protocols
-the ageing of the battery can be followed
-with this test a battery change can wait until it is necessary


One batterybloc of 99 is in bad condition. At the latest batterytest 6 months earlier the newinstalled, free ventilated Hoppece-batteries were without any remark.


These batteries have been measured with another method, which has shown that 5 batteryblocs are in bad condition. These 5 blocs have been changed.What you didn´t see was that the rest of the batterieswere in very bad shape too and needed to be changed. With Servicepoolens measuremethod you can see every single batterybloc and bad batteries can be changed in time.